Lost, Found and Still Looking for, part IV

The first two parts of this were written in 2010, and the third exactly a year back, a status update on the original lists. I think I shall update this every year now. 😀

Here goes:


i want(in no specific order)-
1. manageable hair. – getting better at it.
2. to not ruin my ears irrespective of how much music i listen to. – not happening, at all.
3. more good books at the library. – well, I am sure that the BCL has a much better stock than back then, but i won’t be enjoying it again any time soon.
4. a tattoo. – I’ve rethought this one, actually, and am not particularly keen right now. Give it a few months, eh? 😀
5. an irish accent. – sadly, no closer to this one than i was back then.
6. to be able to rhyme sentences with less difficulty.
7. to keep my weight below 70kg. –pursuing this with renewed vigour!  Should happen in another year or so. :3
8. to grow slightly taller (an inch or so should do). – i THINK i managed this one.
9. to be able to attempt a question paper…all of it.Multivariate Stats, final sem of MSc.
10.to not make too many grammatical mistakes.
11.to ride inside Bumblebee. – another daydream.
12.to believe in something that cannot be explained.
13.to sing better. – since better is relative (to betterer), i’ll keep this one open too.
14.a job.HAH!
15.a swanky sports car, preferably a porsche 911 turbo. – give it another decade or so?
16.to be able to play the violin. – technically, i can. though it barely counts.
17.to attend my favourite bands’ gigs. – getting there 🙂
18.more kurtas.
19.a pair of blackberry trousers.
20.to hold hands with my imaginary friend. – daydream alert.
21.to be a kid in school once more. – well, this one’s more of wishful thinking.
22.to take long walks in the rain without catching a cold. Walked the entire Pondicherry promenade in the middle of a torrential shower. I count that as a win.
23.fewer wars. (please?) – sadly, that doesn’t seem to be happening.
24.to spend more time with the people who mean the most to me. – i’ve done really bad on this count, i think.
25.to get locked up inside BCL one night. – let’s see. 🙂
26.to visit ireland, japan and germany (in that order of preference). – let’s see. 🙂
27.to not go bald later in life, preferably. – hahahaha. no idea about this one yet.
28.to be able to say meaningful things without sounding cliched. – urgh. i wish.
29.to be in a kickass band, someday. – will hopefully happen someday.
30.to sleep.

more would be coming as i think up of them…


as i was saying, in no particular order of preference, i want –
~ a dog – when i’m ready to commit myself to taking care of one.
~ a fender squierbought for a friend. didn’t keep it because i would rather have a gibson instead.
~ a dell studio. – vostro. studio been taken off the market mostly.
~ to never have to window shop for books.
~ be a chocolate magnate. considering the amount of nutella i’m consuming, they should at least make me brand ambassador.
~ a mont-blanc ink pen. – need to get this one soon. Was gifted one. But then lost the person, so gave away the pen. This one’s still open thus.
~ to not flunk my exams or get a KT (that should actually have been at the top).happened much later down the line.
~ chocolates.
~ to be able to sleep late into mornings.
~ to be better at cricket. – hahaha. this one’s probably not happening.
~ to be a kid and have tetuler achaar while walking home from school. this one either.
~ the complete works of J.R.R Tolkien. – en route to this one.
~ to have enough cash to be able to buy F1 (no, i’m NOT talking about racing. those who are supposed to know what i’m alluding to, will know right away). – i’m gonna come back to this again, later.
~ clothes to dry sooner during monsoons. – *sigh*
~ to find time to go swimming on summer mornings. – not happening anytime soon. 🙁
~ more chocolates.YES!
~ to chat up some random pretty girl, just for the heck of it.
~ to walk along the beach at Pondy and feel the spray against my face.Aug 2014 🙂

this list is a bit more…mainstream, shall we say? heh.


Lost, Found and Still Looking for, part IV



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